Hair and Nail Treatments

Hair & Nail Treatments

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D ermatologists are your hair and nail experts. When problems arise, we are here to help answer your questions and resolve your concerns.

Hair Loss

There are several types of hair loss, or alopecia, which your dermatologist can diagnose and treat. Sometimes a diagnosis can be made clinically and sometimes a biopsy is needed. 

The most commons types of hair loss are:

  1. Alopecia Areata: Alopecia areata (AA) is a common autoimmune disease resulting in the loss of hair on the scalp or elsewhere on the body. It affects more than 6.5 million people in the US alone. It usually starts with one or more small round smooth patches of hair loss on the scalp. There are treatments available for AA. Please make an appointment with our dermatologists to determine what is right for you. For education and support, please visit the NAAF.
  2. Male and Female pattern hair loss: When hair loss is caused by hormones and genetics, it is called “balding.” Male pattern hair loss is characterized by a receding hairline and/or thinning on the front and top of the scalp. Female pattern hair loss is just as common and results in thinning on the top of the scalp but retention of the frontal hairline. Both are treatable.
  3. Discoid Lupus: Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the skin and around the hair follicle. Discoid lupus usually presents as focal areas of hair loss with redness and scale. It is diagnosed with a skin biopsy. Discoid lupus can be associated with systemic lupus. Because these discoid lesions scar the hair follicles, they can cause permanent hair loss so early diagnosis and intervention is key.
  4. Telogen Effluvium: Telogen Effluvium (TE) is the second most common form of hair loss that dermatologists see. A normal hair cycle is when hairs grow, rest, fall out, then grow back again. TE happens when the number of hairs in the falling out stage dramatically increase, leading to significant shedding. This will result in thinner hair on the entire scalp. TE has a variety of triggers and generally resolves on its own. A dermatologist can help identify any triggers and make sure there is no other type of hair loss present.

Dermatology San Antonio offers PRP treatments to help stimulate hair regrowth, find out more on PRP for Hair Loss.

Nail Abnormalities

At San Antonio Dermatology, we’re nail specialists. We treat a variety of nail ailments, such as nail dystrophy. Nail dystrophy means a nail is abnormal. Abnormal nails can be caused by a variety of conditions, the most common being tinea (fungal infection), psoriasis and trauma. Nails can also become discolored. Nail discoloration has a variety of causes, but the most serious cause is skin cancer. Melanoma and SCC, as well as normal moles, can occur under the nail and should be monitored for potential mole removal.

At Dermatology San Antonio, we can evaluate your nails to determine the cause of dystrophy or discoloration to determine the appropriate treatment. Give us a call today at (210)-615-7171 to learn more about how we can help you with your hair or nail concerns.


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